what is the sandwich generation

You are a part of the Sandwich Generation if you are caring for your children and older parents either financially, emotionally or both. Approximately 1 out of 8 Americans aged 40 to 60 is raising a child, paying for college and caring for an older parent. A great deal of these people are helping the aging parent long distance.

Americans provide between 80-90% of in-home care for elderly family members. If our medical system paid for this care, it would be estimated around 250 Billion Dollars a year.

The majority of the time, this responsibility falls on women. This can lead to a loss of income and even a loss of a job because of the time it takes to help an elderly parent or relative.

If your loved one cannot be left alone during the day, one suggestion is to find an Adult Day Care in the area. Your loved one can be cared for at the facility while you are working. It is a great alternative that is cost effective. The average cost per day is $75 and it includes lunch. A paid caregiver costs on average $25-30 per hour.

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