Understand Your Health and Medications

  • Get an annual eye examination, and a physical that includes an evaluation for cardiac and blood pressure problems.
  • Maintain a diet with adequate dietary calcium and Vitamin D.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Avoid excessive alcohol intake.
  • Keep an up-to-date list of all medications and frequently provide it to all doctors with whom you consult.
  • Check with your doctor(s) about any side effects of your medications and over-the-counter drugs, as fatigue or confusion increases your risk of falling.
  • Make sure all medications are clearly labeled and stored in a well-lit area.
  • Take medications on schedule with a full glass of water, unless otherwise instructed.


  • Talk to your doctor about starting an exercise program.
  • If possible, participate in an exercise program that aids agility, strength, balance, and coordination. Climbing stairs, jogging, hiking, dancing, weight training and other activities can help build bone strength and slow progression of osteoporosis, a disorder that causes bones to thin and weaken.
  • In addition, active pastimes, such as bicycling and gardening, also can improve health and life quality.


  • Wear properly-fitting shoes with nonskid soles. Avoid high heels.
  • Tie your shoe laces.
  • Use a long-handled shoehorn if you have trouble putting on your shoes.
  • Never walk in your stocking feet. Replace slippers that have stretched out of shape and are too loose.

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